Be ready for the blockchain apocalypse

Do you believe Bitcoin will blow up?

About Bitcoin Bubble Burst

If it's a bubble or not - we inform you about big changes!

Bitcoin Bubble Burst in the media: From December 6th to 7th, sadly sneaky code was added, which drained the battery and performance of around 10.000 users, we like compensate those, by spending for a good, humanistic, cause the same amount - soon more about that.

Data & APIs

Analysing the trade values for rapid changes by applying advanced statistical algorithms. We are using the top notch academic research from 2017 on key indicators - and will go in details with our 'secret sauce' in one of our next alert - based on a real life example.:

Sometimes huge events, are tough to predict only based on numeric value analytics. Those usually don't follow the recurrent pattern (such as huge deals, are kind of regular). For example a ban of Bitcoin in China was such an event. This affected the market value - but only after a certain amount of time, after people got to know about it. This takes time, and we can inform you first. We are analysing social media streams, a major one is the twitter API, and running every minute natural language processing algorithms on those. Utilizing sentiment analysis we can get a numeric picture of the current event. Our model learns, which patterns are 'odd' and when to contact you via notification.

Some Marketplaces react faster to value changes due to massive transactions - we are tracking those to inform you as soon as possible. As one example, here the visualisation of the latency of one of them:

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  • TechCrunch Disrupt Berlin 2017
  • Claudio, Alice, Ankit, HD, Karthick, Philip, Saad